Are you struggling to ditch the pacifier from your minor child’s life?

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By Jamie Barton

Pacifiers are used to soothe the baby and make them stop crying. They are also used as a substitute for sucking their thumb, which may cause health problems in toddlers. Pacifiers can help babies calm themselves down at night, which helps with sleep quality for both parents and child. Then why do parents also look for how to wean your toddler off a pacifier? Here’s the reason:

Why do parents want to wean their toddlers off the pacifier?

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends parents wean their children off pacifiers by the time they are 2 or 3 years old. The association is worried that prolonged use of pacifiers can lead to dental issues, childhood obesity, and reduced cognitive development.  Many parents get worried about this and start finding other calming techniques for young children. Dangerous physically and psychologically prohibited techniques are used, which can lead to health problems. 

 Ways that can help your toddler ease off the pacifier at their own pace:

  • Dummies should only be left for last resort when the baby is entirely uncomfortable and challenging without it. At the same time, as soon as the baby calms down or falls asleep, it is worth taking the pacifier away from him. It should not be in the child’s field of vision; try to spend as much time without him.
  • For older kids, explain that the dummy is broken and you don’t have another, cut the dummy and give it to the child. He can lose interest in a spoiled and uncomfortable pacifier soon. You can also talk about kids in the woods who need a baby dummy. Often babies are willing to give their dummies to poor animals.
  • Try falling asleep with a dummy for a toy (doll, teddy bear, or any other favorite). Initially, you can sleep with a pacifier and a toy, gradually remove the nipple. Praise your baby more often for being so adult and independent without a dummy. Don’t delay this process, and supervise the baby carefully.
  • Slowly teach the baby to drink from the cup and feed the spoon from the plate, gradually leading to the nipples. The baby as soon as possible weaning from the bottle, the sooner it is weaned from the pacifier.
  • Various toys and teething toys distract the baby from the pacifier, develop his large and fine motor skills, and play him worth giving. Don’t remind yourself about the dummy, and don’t give it to the child unless he constantly asks for it. Do try it.
  • Babies at this age often cry, but it’s not a sign at all for you to give your baby a beloved pacifier to calm her down immediately. Instead of distracting the baby by playing, singing, or read a book, tell a story, feed the baby, or shake her in your arms. 


So now you know how to wean your toddler off the pacifier and how to get rid of it.  Would you mind sharing it with your friends who are struggling with the same problem?

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