How to Stop Birds from Flying into Windows

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By Jamie Barton

Every year hundreds of millions of birds fly into windows worldwide. Many of these birds die on impact with the window, and many more die of injuries sustained after falling from the window to the ground.

This is a problem for building owners as well as birds. We don’t want birds flying into windows and dying or being injured near our buildings. Luckily, there are ways to prevent birds from flying into windows.

The first question is, why do birds fly into windows?

The truth is windows are a new invention, especially for birds. Birds are not used to windows and believe that the fact that they are transparent makes them able to fly through them. They don’t know what windows are or understand them.

Birds also have eyes on the sides of their heads, not directly in front like humans, so their depth perception is not as fine-tuned as ours. This makes it difficult for birds to gauge exactly what they are flying into. They can’t always tell the window is right there.

Some birds can also be aggressive to members of their own species during the nesting season. The bird may think their reflection in the window is another bird of their same species, and swoop in to attack or scare away the other bird (which is their reflection), and thus fly directly into the window.

With that said, how can we stop birds from flying into windows?

The first way to stop birds from flying into windows is to remove anything nearby that could contribute to birds flying near the window. For example, if you have bird baths or bird feeders near the window, make sure to move them at least 30 feet away so birds won’t crash into the window on their way to drink from the bird bath or eat from the bird feeder.

Also avoid putting plants near windows birds are crashing into. The birds may be seeing the plants and trying to eat from them.

The next thing you can do is put stickers or some other distinguishing marker on your window so that birds notice that they are flying into a hard surface, not continuing to fly through the air. You can buy sticker decals online or create your own to signal to birds that your window is a hard surface.

Mesh covers are another option along similar lines. Mesh covers go over windows and make them more visible for birds to see. Insect screens or bird netting can also be applied in a similar fashion, making it easier for the birds to see the window.

You can also use everyday household methods to stop birds from flying into windows. These methods include installing shutters and putting them over your windows when you are gone and turning the lights off in your house when you are gone.

If you own a bigger, multi-story building or a building in a city, you have options as well. These options include installing textured glass windows, which are easier for birds to see, and bio-acoustic methods, which involve sound machines repelling birds sonically.

If you’ve been having a bird problem for longer than six months or of a bigger magnitude, consider hiring a bird control company. AviAway offers free bird control consultations. They can walk you through, step-by-step, how to solve your bird problem, including stopping birds from flying into windows. Click here or call 844-247-3373 to set up a free bird control consultation.

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