How to Get a Bird Out of Your Home

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By Jamie Barton

A bird flying into your home? Frightening! Most of the time the bird is even more startled than you are, which surely does not help the situation. Here are a few tips for getting a bird out of your home.

The first tip for getting a bird out of your home is to calm down if you are feeling startled. Don’t lose your head over the bird flying around in a frantic manner. The bird is not there to hurt you. It wants to leave your house as much as you want it out. Step outside and take a few minutes to breathe and get rational if you are feeling stressed out by the bird.

The next step is to head back inside and make the indoor environment non-threatening to the bird. Remove pets and turn off moving objects like ceiling fans. Then close off all other doors and exits the bird can leave through except one, the largest exit there is in the room.

Next shut off all light sources except for the light of this exit. In an ideal scenario, the house is pitch black except for the light of the door or window you want the bird to fly out through. You can cover up window light with dark-colored paper or blankets to further shut off light from the outside. Once your home is dark except for the light of the exit, wait. The bird should make its way out of your home through the only light available.

If the bird still does not leave your home, you can try coaxing it out with a large bedsheet. Take the bedsheet and position it like a sail behind the bird. You can then guide the bird towards the exit using the bedsheet.

If you simply do not want to deal with the bird problem yourself, you can easily call in a bird control company like AviAway to fix the problem for you. They have experience removing birds and can deal with your bird problem safely and securely.

A bird control company can also give you recommendations for preventing the problem from happening again. Most cases of birds getting in a house are accidents. But if there is a bird infestation problem nearby, addressing that can prevent the problem from ever happening again and also clean up your neighborhood from excessive bird droppings and annoying birds.

If the bird is a larger-sized species like a raptor, we do not recommend ever trying to get such an animal out of your house yourself. Call in your local animal control services or a bird control company if that is the case for you.

Conclusion – To get a bird out of a house, first step outside, calm yourself down, and get rational. Next, go back in and remove all pets and moving objects from the room. Shut off all exits to the room except one. Shut down all light except the light of that one exit. Then wait. If the bird still does not leave after giving it time, you can guide it out of the room with a large bedsheet.

If the bird is a larger bird like a raptor, or if you just don’t feel like handling the problem yourself, we recommend calling in a bird control company to address the issue for you.

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