Allergy season is among us, and nobody likes the congestion, sore throats, and itchy, watery eyes that are associated with allergies. You should not have to suffer in the walls of your own house. Dust, mold and pollen can seem to be inevitable during this time of the year, however that is not the case. There are steps that can be taken around the house to reduce these common allergens.
Limit How much Pollen comes Inside
Keep the windows and doors closed as much as possible, if you have air conditioning. When doors and windows are open, it allows for pollen to come inside, and to be spread all throughout the house. Another way to limit the pollen that comes in the house would be to take off your shoes outside, thus not tracking it through the house. If you do have air conditioning, keep it running because it keeps the house cool without the issue of letting pollen inside.
Clean Carpets.
To prevent the spread of dust mites, it is important to clean and vacuum your carpets regularly. When choosing a vacuum to purchase, make sure that it is one that will get even the smallest of dust particles. Another option to cleaning carpets would be to get your carpets professionally cleaned. This is a great way to rid your house of dust mites, bacteria, mold and other allergens. Oftentimes, these allergens get in the air, which makes it hard for the family to breathe, or causes itchy eyes–among other annoying allergy symptoms. However, when the carpets are professionally cleaned, it gets rid of all the bacteria that causes such miserable symptoms. Idaho Falls Carpet Cleaning is a great option when looking to get carpets cleaned, to help reduce allergens that may be in your house.
Use and Wash Pillowcases
Pillows are a very common comfort item that we like to use after a long day. Do you know what else likes pillows? Dust Mites also like pillows. In order to prevent them from getting in your hair, or touching your face, it is important to make sure that all our pillows have clean cases on them, to prevent the allergens from encountering your face. It is recommended that pillowcases should be washed on a weekly basis to keep the allergens away. Depending upon which fabric you choose for your pillowcases, you can get them dry cleaned every 3-4 weeks.
Although it is allergy season, that does not at all mean that you must suffer through it within the walls of your home. There are steps that can be taken in order to rid your home of allergens. Making sure that the pollen is left outside and has no way to come in the house, getting carpets professionally cleaned to get rid of mold, dust mites, and other bacteria, as well as using pillowcases, and washing them on a regular basis will help lessen the allergy symptoms in your house.
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